
Password 3rd Edition: A reading and vocabulary text

  The five books in the Password series help students advance their reading skills and build a vocabulary of 2,000 high-frequency words and phrases. Research shows that at this point, most students can begin to read unadapted texts.

  Now in a third edition with a fresh four-color design, Password’s theme-based units include an updated mix of nonfiction readings and skill-development activities for reading, writing, and critical thinking. The series continues to feature vocabulary work that helps students understand, remember, and use the target words and phrases to build a solid foundation for both academic and career success.

  Password 4: A Reading and Vocabulary Text
  what you can do to live a longer life?
  how English became an international language?
  why eating insects may be good for our planet?

  Password 4: A Reading and Vocabulary Text helps students develop their reading and critical thinking skills and increase their active vocabularies. Now with a fresh four-color design, Password 4 offers theme-based readings about real people, places, events, and ideas along with the types of skills practice that low-intermediate students of English need for academic and career success.

  Password's systematic, corpusinformed approach to teaching high-frequency words, expressions, and collocations helps students master the basic vocabulary that every learner of English needs.


  ‧Engaging new readings that require and reward close reading practice.
  ‧Useful, high-frequency vocabulary selected through extensive corpus-based research.
  ‧Expanded array of exercises to enhance skills and help students better understand vocabulary and topics.
  ‧Careful recycling of vocabulary in readings and exercises.
  ‧Discussion questions and writing tasks that promote critical thinking and build community.
  ‧An emphasis on critical thinking that adds depth to discussions and helps students develop valuable congnitive skills.
  ‧Unit Checkpoints that help students review and reflect on what they've learned
  ‧New Tips for Reading, Vocabulary, Critical Thinking, and Writing
  ‧New Learning Outcomes that let students know that their learning experience will be.
  ‧New Essential Online Resources that include audio recordings of each rdading, bonus activities for extra practice in timed reading and study skills, and the Teacher's Manual with unit tests, expansive answer keys, and prompts for quick oral vocabulary reviews.


  • ISBN:9780134399386
  • 規格:平裝 / 274頁 / 21 x 27.5 x 1.37 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 3版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> > >
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今晚的《新聞1+1》,白巖松連線軍方援鄂前方專家組組長、解放軍總醫院呼吸科專家劉又寧。 ... 劉又寧表示,對人類致病的冠狀病毒一共有七種。前六種我們都比較熟悉,有四種只能引起普通的感冒,另外兩種SARS和MERS,SARS只流行了半年就徹底消失了,MERS間斷流行了兩年左右的時間,後來就沒有明顯的人傳人了。 現在眼看著新冠病毒就不可能在半年內消失,它受溫度影響是很小的,因為南北半球同時發病。並且它的傳染方式很多,傳染手段又比較隱蔽,這都是我們對這個病毒還沒有摸透的地方,對這個全新的病毒,我們掌握得還遠遠不夠,最大的期望是疫苗。










壹讀 https://read01.com/AzaQDQM.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010765075




台中中區染髮有助美白膚色推薦髮廊 新光三越附近髮根不好剪推薦染髮髮廊 台中內行人推薦的美髮沙龍勤美誠品附近彎度瀏海 太平髮色去色處理學生染髮推薦髮廊 台中南屯染髮推薦南屯短龐克髮型推薦染髮髮廊 台灣大道附近中長髮造型推薦髮廊推薦髮型設計工作室 台中北區染髮推薦梧棲好感度最高色系 一中商圈推薦頭皮護理專業染髮燙髮髮廊 復古捲台中燙髮推薦


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